Raleigh Business Guide is the premier business directory for Raleigh, NC & the surrounding areas. Find the best places to eat, drink, shop, auto, repairs, pro services, and more. We want to help all businesses in our community, so business owners are able to create a FREE listing. Upgrade to the Pro or Featured Premier levels to get all the extra functionality to increase your exposure and attract more customers.
There are numerous ways to attract more customers on Raleigh Business Guide. When you create or Claim your listing, be sure to fill out as many details about your business as possible. The more details a customer can learn about your business, the more likely they are to contact or buy from you. You may also buy ad promotions within the site to place your business on the first page in our Featured section, choose to buy a sidebar promo which will come up in the sidebar when people click on business listings, and you can also buy a Top of the Search promo which will make your business appear at the top of the search results in your categories.
In our Pro & Featured Premier memberships, you are able to insert your menu if you are a restaurant, add a FAQ section, make announcements, create coupons & discounts right on your page, insert a video promo on your page and much more. Most businesses understand the value of these functions and know the advantage of using them.
We hope all businesses in Raleigh and the surrounding areas will see the great benefits of using their listing on Raleigh Business Guide to boost their customers and sales. Take advantage of this business directory and watch your sales soar.